On 12th May the Bulgarian label and booking collective Amek will celebrate its 10th anniversary, with big event at club Mixtape 5 and four new releases. The event will be hosted in the club's two rooms, featuring 10 live acts - starting with ate's guitar drones, OOHS!' cool kraut-pop, Trysth's sludge metal (last live performance for the band!), 2 collaborations - Valance Drakes (UK) & Ivan Shopov and Leaver & Tim Holehause (UK); also live performances from LATE, Evitceles, Mytrip, Cyberian and Conjecture (GR). The night will continue with an afterparty in the B-side, where the guys from Бетон crew, Climaxim (NL) and Ghost 303 will take care of your perceptions. Tickets on a regular price can still be found following this link, otherwise 20 BGN at the doors. The fe(a)st starts at 6PM. You can attend on FB here.
Amek is celebrating in the best way a label can - releasing 4 new albums, 2 of them collaborations and 2 solo recordings.The first one of them is by the Bulgarian artist Cyberian (Stefan Bachvarov), who is also behind the WTF is swag label. 'Limerance' is his most personal record so far, unfolding in its own pace, providing an 'exhausting exploration of feelings and inner conflicts, which results in evolving sonic nuances and varying approaches to electronic sound.' The album is released on April 30, 2018, digitally and on a limited edition cassette. Listen and score from Amek's bandcamp:
The second release is a collaboration between Bulgarian acts Mytrip (Angel Simitchiev) and Evitceles (Etien Slavchev). Beside two independent tracks by each artist, the EP features two collaborative tracks, under the moniker Protective - 'Seclusion' and 'Unwilling To Restrain'. They compile significant elements for both artists' musical approach in a smooth way, we're eager to hear more from that magic. Released on May 12, digitally and on a limited edition 12'' vinyl.
The third release is another collaboration, this time between the UK sonic master Valance Drakes and Bulgarian musician, producer and fine artist Ivan Shopov. With 'Unearthing Buried Chapters' they have decided not to follow their individual formulas, but to go beyond them. This debut collaborative is not a more musical creation, it's the actual process of shaping and structuring worlds through sounds. The album was as much created impulsively, as it was crafted with an almost maniacal attention to detail. Released on May 12, digitally and on a limited edition 12'' vinyl.
The fourth release is by Bulgarian/ living in Poland guitarist Petar Petkov, a.k.a ate. 'Secondary Drowning' is his second release on Amek, the first one 'MCCV' already sold out. His chamber drone music collides both classical composition and modern day guitar-based ambient and shoegaze.
The four pieces are melancholic and drifting, but not as fragile as ate's earlier work. This is also due to the more thicker production, handled by Bucharest's Studio 148's mixing and mastering, who gave it the specific heavy, in the same time atmospheric and experimental sound. Released on May 12, digitally and on a limited edition cassette.
You will be able to find all the releases at the merch stand on 12th May, this Saturday, at the event at Mixtape 5. If you can't attend personally, you can always visit the label's profile on Bandcamp or BigCartel.
Poster by Georgi Sharov
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